Competitive Exams

Common written exams are highly competitive in nature and are conducted online. Though research has shown that there is an increase in the performance level of those students who take online training by about 18% as compared to conventional learning; we also offer classroom training that facilitates greater interaction between students and tutors. Our courses have an in-built self-evaluation mechanism through which a candidate can test and evaluate his/her own performance at every level.
Our courses are highly useful to the job aspirants to crack with ease various competitive exams of PSU & private sector companies and campus recruitment exams. BReTS provides total solutions for various Common Written Exams (CWE) , like, SBI PO, SBI Clerical, IBPS PO, IBPS RRBs and IBPS Clerical, General Ins. Cos jobs for AO/Assistants, etc.
We are offering tailored programs with emphasis on overcoming exam fear, exam-oriented learning styles, note taking, problem solving, speed mathematics, short cuts and weekly updates of current affairs.
The objective of these programs is to make every job aspirant competition- ready through training and self-monitoring mechanism.
Training Methodology
BReTS offers various modes of training such as blended ( class room/virtual + online course) and only online course
Three Stages of BReTS’ Training
Lessons on the following:
- Quantitative Aptitude ( Including Data Interpretation)
- Logical Reasoning
- English Language
- General Awareness/Current Affairs, with weekly updates
- Banking/Financial Awareness
- Computer Knowledge
Lessons on all the above subjects are on power point slides; with voice narration in the case of first 3 subjects.
Under Coaching, practice questions with explanation to solution is provided for following subjects:
- Quantitative Aptitude (including Data Interpretation)
- Logical Reasoning
Practice Tests
- Our premium product ( 1 year course) contains 70 practice tests with 12000+ questions
- Upon completion of a test, candidate can assess his/her performance through a self-evaluation mechanism that forms part of the course.
- Mock tests can be undertaken any number of times and candidates may review the score during the previous attempt in order to compare their performance.
- Explanation is provided to solution of each question for Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning tests.
- Exam Specific Courses (IBPS PO/Clerical/SBI/RRB/Railway etc.) are also available
- Our courses provide students with 360° learning experience with relevant and up to date contents and state of the art infrastructure.
- Our courses are easily accessible, user-friendly and affordable, thus offering an effective and interactive learning process.
- Course designed by experts in banking and academicians
- Opportunity to practice and re-practice – with access to online courses - at one’s own pace & convenience, anytime, anywhere, 24 x 7 online platform. Facilitates skill development and hands on experience to face online Bank /Insurance exams with confidence.
- Courses are available in various packages of 12 months, 6 months & 3 months duration - both for PO and Clerical exams.
- Self-evaluation of performance and opportunity to assess the progress.